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Leaky Air Ducts

Cold Spots & Leaky Air Ducts Have A Close Relationship

It’s a typical day in your Hays County home. You turn your thermostat to your preferred temperature. It clicks off as usual when it is done. It feels great in most of your house, but there are those rooms where you still want to throw on a sweater or pair of socks if you have to be there for longer than a few minutes.

If this sounds familiar, leaky air ducts are a probable cause.

The truth is, most homes have duct leaks that lose around 20-30% of the air created by their HVAC unit. It is a good idea to assess if yours might be one of them. If you’re experiencing uncomfortable chilliness in certain rooms of your home, that is a telltale sign.

Other signs of leaky ducts include:

  • Suspiciously high utility bills.
  • Excess dust in your home.
  • Rattling or whistling when the air is running.
  • Visible gaps in your ductwork.

But how can you be sure that it is faulty ductwork that is causing the cold spots you are experiencing rather than a problem with your insulation? Well you could also have insulation problems, because most homes are not properly insulated. However, insufficient insulation doesn’t typically cause problems room to room.

Leaky ducts are very common, especially in older homes, and a likely cause for cold spots.

Why Leaky Ducts Create Uneven Temperatures

Your ductwork branches out into your whole home, trying to heat or cool each room evenly. If there is a leak in one of the ducts that leads to a particular room, that air never reaches the room. Your heating or cooling will turn off because the temperature where the thermostat is located has reached the set temperature. This leaves you cozy in one room and uncomfortable in another.

Your thermostat may not know better, but you can certainly tell!

Garner AC is a Trusted Name For Duct Repair

Noticing any signs of leaky air ducts such as cold spots, high bills or poor indoor air quality? Call 512-392-2000 and let the experts of Garner recommend the best course of action. You will probably benefit from professional duct sealing.

Kyle . Buda . San Marcos . Wimberley . Driftwood . Martindale . Manchaca . Lockhart . New Braunfels
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