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How To Save Money While Running Your AC In Extreme Heat In Austin, TX

thermometer showing extreme heat

Tips To Make The Heat A Little Easier On Your Wallet

The scorching heat of an Austin summer can be relentless. With temperatures often soaring above 100°F, keeping your home cool is not just about comfort—it’s about survival. But with the constant need to run your air conditioner (AC), the costs can quickly add up. The good news is, there are ways to stay cool without breaking the bank. In this blog, we’ll dive into practical strategies to help you save money while running your AC during extreme heat in Austin, TX.

Getting To Know The Austin Climate

Austin is known for its hot and humid summers. Understanding the local climate is key to optimizing your AC usage. During summer, temperatures in Austin average between 90°F and 100°F. However, it’s not uncommon for the mercury to hit 105°F or higher, especially during heatwaves. These high temperatures put a strain on your AC, making energy efficiency crucial.

On top of that, humidity levels in Austin can be quite high, which adds to the discomfort. High humidity makes it feel hotter than it actually is, prompting many to crank up the AC. But there are smarter ways to deal with this without spiking your energy bills.

Save Money While Running Your AC With These Tips

Install A Programmable Or Smart Thermostat

If you can keep your temperature set between 78°F and 82°F when you're not at home, or during the night (if possible), it can make a big impact on your power usage. Plus, planning the temperature out for other times throughout the day can also help. This is where a programmable or smart thermostat can come in handy. From putting together your own settings to allowing your thermostat to learn your own patterns, it's a great way to optimize your power usage.

Start A "Fan Club"

When you've got fans running - whether ceiling fans or portable units - the circulating air can knock the feeling of several degrees off your ambient temperature. This allows you to keep the thermostat set a bit higher while enjoying the same level of comfort. Just make sure you turn off the fans when you're not using them to save just that much more power.

Stay On Top Of Your AC Filter Replacement

By far the easiest thing you can do to keep costs down is to regularly switch out your AC filter. It only takes a couple of seconds to do but it can do wonders for your efficiency. Dirty or clogged filters make your AC work much harder to maintain the same level of comfort, which not only uses up more power but wears down your system, causing premature repair issues.

Bring The Curtain Down

Curtains and blinds, especially if they're of the blackout variety, keep direct sunlight out of your home which helps keep the ambient temperature low. This reduces the workload on your air conditioner, which in turn costs less money. Make sure you don't turn on so many lights that you're undoing your savings, though!

Clear Vents For Clear Circulation

Your AC vents need to be able to push air into your home. If they've got anything blocking them, they can't do their job, your temperature stays higher, and your AC thinks it has to keep working even when it's probably doing enough. Clear all of your AC vents so the conditioned air you need is getting where it should go.

Double Check Your Insulation & Weather Stripping

First of all, you want to make sure your insulation is keeping the heat outside out of your home. Secondly, you want to make sure it's helping to keep your conditioned air in. When your cool air escapes without lowering your indoor temperature, your AC works harder to make up the difference. Check around all of your doors and windows, and make sure that your attic or other similar spaces are properly insulated.

Close Down Rooms You Aren't In

You can shut the door and close off the vents of any rooms you aren't using so that the AC can focus on the parts of your home that truly need cooling. By shunting the cool air to only the rooms you're using, you stay more comfortable and burn through less energy.

If You Don't Need It, Don't Use It

It's unrelated to your AC, but you can save money over the summer by avoiding overusing power with other devices as well. Some equipment will use power even if they're turn off, so if you aren't using that TV, game system, coffee maker or toaster, go ahead and unplug them so there's no "vampire power" being drawn. Likewise, make sure to shut off any lights you don't need.

Care For The Health Of Your System

Your AC is a big investment, so why wouldn't you take care of it? It's vital that you have your system regularly maintained so that it stays at peak efficiency and lasts as long as possible. Annual tune-ups can help you save on your power bill tremendously while making sure you get the comfort you deserve.

AC Money Saving FAQs

Other Tips To Save Even More

Here are some other things you can do to add to your savings:

  • Utilize natural ventilation to reduce your need for AC. If it's a breezy day, open the right windows to let that breeze flow through.
  • Night time is also a great time to open windows to let in cooler air. Close them in the morning to keep that cool air inside.
  • Limit the use of ovens, stoves, or clothes dryers during the hottest parts of the say. If you're cooking, consider using a microwave or a grill outdoors.
  • Upgrade your system - if your unit is more than 10-15 years old, you can take advantage of the increased efficiency of modern models to help you save long-term.
  • Use solar screens or window films to reduce the sunlight coming into your home.
  • Plant trees for shade. Oak, pecan, or cedar trees are great for Austin's hot climate, and they can make for some excellent shade. Add them to the south and west sides of your home to block the harshest sun.

Rely On Garner Heating & Cooling For The Best Tips & Tricks

Saving money while running your AC during Austin’s extreme heat is all about making smart choices. By understanding your climate, maintaining your AC, and investing in energy-efficient solutions, you can keep your home cool without draining your wallet. Remember, every little bit helps—from adjusting your thermostat to upgrading your AC system. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a cooler, more cost-effective summer. Have questions about more tips? Drop us a message online or call 512-392-2000 today!

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