Unmatched Air Quality for Unparalleled Comfort
Normally you think of your home as protection against the environment outside: scorching heat, bitter cold and polluted air. However, as good as your home is at keeping the outside world out, it's just as good at keeping your indoor air in, and as we spend the majority of our lives indoors this can expose us to a number of contaminants that can take a toll on our health and well-being.
Though our indoor air can be more than five times as polluted as the outdoor air, there's one thing working in your favor to keep it clean and pristine - it's your home, which means it's in your control. With the help of Garner's indoor air quality service, we can take steps to make sure your HVAC system isn't just giving you the right temperature, but the right environment as well.

The cause of poor indoor air quality can come from many sources that include:
- Excessive moisture and biological pollutants, such as molds, dust mites, and animal dander, can stem from various sources like high humidity levels, inadequate ventilation, and poorly maintained humidifiers and air conditioners.
- Simple daily activities that are unavoidable, like cooking or cleaning, can lead to poor indoor air quality if you do not use proper ventilation methods. Additionally, you should be conscious of the systems in your home, like your HVAC, stove and fireplace that can also lead to poor indoor air quality if not maintained properly.
- Smoking indoors significantly pollutes the air, leading to a lack of cleanliness.
To improve your indoor air quality near Buda, TX, you can:
- Change your air filters on a regular basis.
- Clean your home often.
- Introduce fresh air by opening your windows.
- Use exhaust fans when cooking.
Additionally, you can invest in an ultraviolet air treatment system for your home’s HVAC system to help keep your indoor air clean.
Most indoor air quality problems start in your HVAC system or air ducts in Buda, TX. If you have dirt, dust or mold in your air ducts and air vents, it can contaminate your air when you heat and cool your home. That is one of the main reasons why regular HVAC maintenance is important. Additionally, you should regularly change out your air filters, as they can accumulate dust and other debris. A media air cleaner can help keep your air ducts clean as the air flows within your air ducts.
What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?
Some of the big contributors to indoor air pollution include:
Smoke - From cigarettes, furnaces and cooking. Mildew & Mold - Born in overly humid conditions, including where water has leaked. Outdoor Air - Every time you open a door or a window, a little bit of the outside seeps in. VOCs - Also known as volatile organic compounds, are often used in construction and can outgas into your home. - Dust & Dander - We love our pets; our indoor air, less so.
How Can You Fight It?
Luckily, Garner has several weapons in its arsenal to help you battle against poor indoor air quality:
Air & Furnace Filters - Installing the right kind of filter can help screen out dust, dander, fur and other contaminates that can contribute to allergies and illness. UV Lights - UV light can inhibit the growth of multiple microorganisms, safely rendering them inert and incapable of harming your family. Media Air Cleaners - Also called an air purifier, a media air cleaner is perfect for capturing smaller, microscopic contaminants like smoke, spores, bacteria and VOCs.
Delivering Clean Air to Hays County Since 1988
The best HVAC service in the world means nothing if all it does is move around dirty air, so Garner believes in having the right solutions to give you the pure air quality you expect. Our clients have us install up to a 5 stage Breathe Easy Package. We care about your health as much as we do your comfort, so give us a call today at 512-392-2000 and give us a chance to clear your air.
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Garner is focused on earning your business and your trust through our expert qualifications:
Professional Licensing EPA, NCI & NATE Certifications Adherence to City & State Codes Thorough Training & No Shortcuts